Defining email actions

Email actions are defined for a datasource to send email notifications when a user performs any DML operation through the user interface.

To define an email action,

2. Enter/select the following details:




The name of the action


Indicates an email is to be sent after every select operation


Indicates an email is to be sent after every insert operation


Indicates an email is to be sent after every update operation


Indicates an email is to be sent after every delete operation

Start Date

The start date for the action

End Date

The end date for the action

Note: If end date matches with the system date ,then the action will become inactive.


The description of the action being defined


The expression for the condition on which the email is to be sent Note: The email will be sent when the expression evaluates to true.

Email Address*

The email address to which the notification is to be sent


The attachment to be sent with the notification


The subject of the notification email


Email addresses of the participants to be copied

3. In the rich text editor, enter the contents of the notification email that is to be sent and click Save.

The email action is saved for the datasource.

The following expressions can be used in place of dynamic values in the Email Address, Subject, Body and Attachment fields:




To replace an attribute value of the record being inserted, updated or deleted


To use an attribute value from the master record, if it exists


To refer a value from the database for update actions


To access session variables

#{SELECT 'x' from some_table WHERE column = #{attributeName}}

To create a nested expression.

Note: The innermost expression will be evaluated before the out expression.

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