Search Attribute


Allowed Parent Components:

  1. Smart Search

Allowed Child Components:

  1. Trigger Before Render

  2. Trigger On Change


➤ Enable Condition

Specify an expression that should be evaluated to a boolean [e.g. #{dsAlias.attr1} == 'X' && #{dsAlias.attr2} > 1]. If no expression is specified, it will be considered as true.

Allowed Values: An expression which should return boolean after evaluation

➤ Attribute Code

Enter the attribute code of the datasource that can be selected by the user from the filter list in the smart search.

Allowed Values: Free text field

➤ Label

Enter the text for the attribute code to be displayed in the filter list.

Allowed Values: Free text field

➤ Data Type

Choose the data type of the attribute. On the basis of the selected data type, the HTML input field will be displayed in the search.

Allowed Values:

  1. Text

  2. Number

  3. Date

  4. Select

➤ Default Text Operator

Choose an option to apply the default operator in the search when this attribute is selected.

Allowed Values:

  1. {"value":"eq","label":"is"}

  2. {"value":"neq","label":"is not"}

  3. {"value":"NULL","label":"is empty"}

  4. {"value":"NOTNULL","label":"is not empty"}

  5. {"value":"nct","label":"not contains"}

  6. {"value":"LIKE","label":"contains"}

  7. {"value":"SW","label":"starts with"}

  8. {"value":"EW","label":"ends with"}

  9. {"value":"hasAll","label":"has all of the words"}

  10. {"value":"hasAny","label":"has any of the words"}

  11. {"value":"notAny","label":"does not have any of the words"}

  12. {"value":"in","label":"in"}

  13. {"value":"notIn","label":"not in"}

  14. {"value":"SOUNDEX","label":"sounds like"}

➤ Default Number Operator

Choose an option to apply the default operator in the search when this attribute is selected.

Allowed Values:

  1. {"value":"eq","label":"is"}

  2. {"value":"ne","label":"is not"}

  3. {"value":"NULL","label":"is empty"}

  4. {"value":"NOTNULL","label":"is not empty"}

  5. {"value":"gt","label":"greater than"}

  6. {"value":"gte","label":"greater than or equals"}

  7. {"value":"lt","label":"less than"}

  8. {"value":"lte","label":"less than or equals"}

  9. {"value":"BETWEEN","label":"between"}

  10. {"value":"in","label":"in"}

  11. {"value":"notIn","label":"not in"}

➤ Default Date Operator

Choose an option to apply the default operator in the search when this attribute is selected

Allowed Values:

  1. {"value":"on","label":"is on"}

  2. {"value":"neq","label":"is not on"}

  3. {"value":"NULL","label":"is empty"}

  4. {"value":"NOTNULL","label":"is not empty"}

  5. {"value":"after","label":"is after"}

  6. {"value":"gte","label":"is on or after"}

  7. {"value":"before","label":"is before"}

  8. {"value":"lte","label":"is on or before"}

  9. {"value":"BETWEEN","label":"between"}

  10. {"value":"TODAY","label":"is today"}

  11. {"value":"YESTERDAY","label":"is yesterday"}

  12. {"value":"LAST7DAYS","label":"since last 7 Days"}

  13. {"value":"LAST14DAYS","label":"since last 14 Days"}

  14. {"value":"LAST28DAYS","label":"since last 28 Days"}

  15. {"value":"THISWEEK","label":"is this Week"}

  16. {"value":"THISMONTH","label":"is this Month"}

  17. {"value":"THISQUATER","label":"is this Quater"}

  18. {"value":"THISYEAR","label":"is this Year"}

➤ Default Select Operator

Choose an option to apply the default operator in the search when this attribute is selected

Allowed Values:

  1. {"value":"eq","label":"is"}

  2. {"value":"neq","label":"is not"}

  3. {"value":"in","label":"any of"}

  4. {"value":"NULL","label":"is empty"}

  5. {"value":"NOTNULL","label":"is not empty"}

➤ Simple Values

Provide comma seperated values e.g. Blue, Black, Green or value:label pairs e.g. BLUE:Blue, BLACK:Black, G:Green

Allowed Values: An expression which should return string after evaluation

➤ Format

Allowed Values: Free text field

➤ Use Server Timezone

Check this prop if this date should not be converted to browser's timezone. Also make sure the attribute type is set to 'String Date & Time 2' on the server side DataSource definition.

Allowed Values: Yes/No

➤ Time Select

Select this to show time along with the date.

Allowed Values:

  1. None

  2. Inline

  3. Popup

➤ Time Format

Select a time format. e.g. HH:mm, hh:mm a, HH:mm:ss

Allowed Values: Free text field

➤ Time Intervals

Provide time intervals. e.g. 15 or 30, between 0 and 24 * 60.

Allowed Values: Any number value

➤ Min Time

Provide the min time below which the time cannot be selected or entered.

Allowed Values: Free text field

➤ Max Time

Provide the max time above which the time cannot be selected or entered.

Allowed Values: Free text field

➤ DataSource

Select a datasource from the list.

Allowed Values: Select a datasource from the list.

➤ Data Source Alias

Allowed Values: Free text field

➤ Default Where Clause

Allowed Values: Free text field

➤ Max Rows

Allowed Values: Any number value

➤ Order By Clause

e.g. #firstAttr#, #secondAttr# DESC

Allowed Values: Free text field

➤ Value Attribute

Choose an attribute that needs to be stored in the database.

Allowed Values: Choose an attribute that needs to be stored in the database.

➤ Display Attribute

Choose an attribute that needs to be visible to the user.

Allowed Values: Choose an attribute that needs to be visible to the user.

➤ Remote Filter

Allowed Values: Yes/No

➤ Cache Results

With remote filter checked, check this if you want the system to cache data fetched for each filter to avoid re-query if the user types the same filter again

Allowed Values: Yes/No

➤ Do Not Prefetch

Check this to programmatically control this Select Query

Allowed Values: Yes/No

Last updated

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