Number Field
Number Field
Number Field is an input dedicated for numerical values. It may be used in a variety of components like forms, comment sections and forums.
Allowed Parent Components:
Allowed Child Components:
Trigger Before Render
Trigger On Change
Trigger On Enter Key Press
➤ Field Label
Allowed Values: An expression which should return string after evaluation
➤ Help Text1
Provide some helpful level one text for this field and see how it looks on the UI
Allowed Values: Free text field
➤ Help Text2
Provide some helpful level two text for this field and see how it looks on the UI
Allowed Values: Free text field
➤ Hide Label
Check this to hide the label
Allowed Values: Yes/No
➤ Label Primary
Check to render the label in primary color
Allowed Values: Yes/No
➤ Placeholder
Allowed Values: An expression which should return string after evaluation
➤ Tool Tip
A message which appears when a cursor is positioned over.
Allowed Values: An expression which should return string after evaluation
➤ Tool Tip Position
Select an option to change the placement of the tooltip when appears.
Allowed Values:
➤ View Attribute
Allowed Values: Attribute
➤ Insert Allowed
Allowed Values: Yes/No
➤ Insert Allowed Condition
Specify an expression to conditionally allow editing this field while creating a new row
Allowed Values: An expression which should return boolean after evaluation
➤ Update Allowed
Allowed Values: Yes/No
➤ Update Allowed Condition
Specify an expression to conditionally allow editing this field while updating an existing row
Allowed Values: An expression which should return boolean after evaluation
➤ Required
Check this to make this field mandatory.
Allowed Values: Yes/No
➤ Required Condition
Specify an expression to conditionally make this field mandatory
Allowed Values: An expression which should return boolean after evaluation
➤ Min Length
Specify the minimum number of characters to be allowed.
Allowed Values: Any number value
➤ Max Length
Specify the maximum number of characters to be allowed.
Allowed Values: Any number value
➤ Min Value
A minimum value allowed for this field. Leave blank to not put any minimum value restriction.
Allowed Values: Any number value
➤ Max Value
A maximum value allowed for this field. Leave blank to not put any maximum value restriction.
Allowed Values: Any number value
➤ Validate On Commit
Check this to perform validations after commit.
Allowed Values: Yes/No
➤ Column Size
Choose 6 for a two column form or 4 for a three column form
Allowed Values: Choose 6 for a two column form or 4 for a three column form
➤ Transparent
Check this if you want this field to be displayed without any borders around the input field. Typically used for readonly fields on a grey background.
Allowed Values: Yes/No
➤ Format Type
Allowed Values:
➤ Pattern Format
If hash format defined, hash string allow number input inplace of hash. ex: #### #### #### ####
Allowed Values: Free text field
➤ Format
Allowed Values: Free text field
➤ Mask Format
If mask defined, component will show non entered placed with masked value. ex: _
Allowed Values: Free text field
➤ Prefix
Provide a symbol which is placed before the value. e.g. $50.
Allowed Values: Free text field
➤ Thousand Separator
Add thousand separators on number
Allowed Values: Yes/No
➤ Decimal Scale
If defined it limits to given decimal scale
Allowed Values: Any number value
➤ Fixed Decimal Scale
If true it add 0s to match given decimalScale
Allowed Values: Yes/No
➤ Allow Negative
Allow negative numbers (Only when format option is not provided)
Allowed Values: Yes/No
➤ Text Align
Choose an option to change the alignment of the number.
Allowed Values:
➤ All Caps
Select this property for capitalizing the text.
Allowed Values: Yes/No
➤ Text Color
Select a color or enter the custom class to change the color of the text.
Allowed Values: Select a color or enter the custom class to change the color of the text.
➤ Font Weight
This property sets how thick or thin characters in text should be displayed.
Allowed Values:
Semi Bold
➤ Hint Text
Check this property to fade the font color of the text.
Allowed Values: Yes/No
➤ Italic
Check this property to change the font style of the text to italic.
Allowed Values: Yes/No
➤ Muted
Check this property to change the color of the font to light grey.
Allowed Values: Yes/No
➤ No Decoration
Check this property to remove decoration of the text
Allowed Values: Yes/No
➤ Overflow Ellipsis
Check this property to show hidden overflow content as an ellipsis ('…').
Allowed Values: Yes/No
➤ Text Size
Select an option to change the size of the text.
Allowed Values:
➤ On Change
Allowed Values: Controller Function
➤ On Focus
Looking for a tip? Avoiding the use of onFocus!
Allowed Values: Controller Function
➤ On Blur
Looking for a tip? Avoiding the use of onBlur!
Allowed Values: Controller Function
➤ On Value Change
Allowed Values: Controller Function
Last updated
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