Char Circle


Char Circle

Char Circle component is used to display the first character of the text inside a colored circle. This component can be used in lists to differentiate records.

Allowed Parent Components:

  1. Card Table Column

  2. Col

Allowed Child Components:

  1. Popover

  2. Pulse

  3. Trigger Before Render

  4. Trigger On Click


➤ Text

Provide a text or an expression e.g. #{session.userName}, Circle

Allowed Values: An expression which should return string after evaluation

➤ Icon

Use the icons to display images to represent the component

Allowed Values: Icon List

➤ Rotate

This property used for icon rotation in degrees. select numerical values e.g. 30, 215, 360.

Allowed Values: Any number value

➤ View Attribute

Allowed Values: Attribute

➤ Class Name Expression

Allowed Values: An expression which should return string after evaluation

➤ Size

Provide numerical values for size. Default size set to 32

Allowed Values: Any number value

➤ Rounded

Select this checkbox for getting circular border

Allowed Values: Yes/No

➤ Background Color

Select a color or enter the custom class to set the background color of the circle

Allowed Values: Select a color or enter the custom class to set the background color of the circle

➤ Tool Tip

A message which appears when a cursor is positioned over.

Allowed Values: An expression which should return string after evaluation

➤ Tool Tip Position

Select an option to change the placement of the tooltip when appears.

Allowed Values:

  1. left

  2. right

  3. top

  4. bottom

➤ On Click

Allowed Values: Controller Function

Last updated