Date Column
Allowed Parent Components:
Allowed Child Components:
Trigger Before Render
➤ Title
Enter a text to be displayed on the column header.
Allowed Values: Free text field
➤ Icon
Select an icon to show in the field.
Allowed Values: Icon List
➤ Sortable
Check this property to enable the sorting of data in ascending or descending order on click of column header.
Allowed Values: Yes/No
➤ Show Border
Check this property to show the border around the columns.
Allowed Values: Yes/No
➤ Alignment
Select an option to set the alignment of the column.
Allowed Values:
➤ Use Server Timezone
Check this prop if this date should not be converted to browser's timezone. Also make sure the attribute type is set to 'String Date & Time 2' on the server side DataSource definition.
Allowed Values: Yes/No
➤ View Attribute
Select the view attribute associated to this field.
Allowed Values: Select the view attribute associated to this field.
➤ Simple Values
Provide comma seperated values e.g. Blue, Black, Green or value:label pairs e.g. BLUE:Blue, BLACK:Black, G:Green
Allowed Values: An expression which should return string after evaluation
➤ Format
Allowed Values: Free text field
➤ Pretty Date
Allowed Values: Yes/No
➤ Width
Provide numerical value to set the width in pixels.
Allowed Values: Any number value
➤ Checked Value
Value to be set when checked. If no value is specified, Y will be set when checked.
Allowed Values: Free text field
➤ Unchecked Value
Value to be set when unchecked. If no value is specified, N will be set when unchecked.
Allowed Values: Free text field
➤ Tool Tip
A message which appears when a cursor is positioned over.
Allowed Values: An expression which should return string after evaluation
➤ Tool Tip Position
Select an option to change the placement of the tooltip when appears.
Allowed Values:
➤ Use Existing Data Source
Choose this prop if you want to reuse a Data Source that was defined on some other component on this page or any of the parent abstract pages.
Allowed Values: Yes/No
➤ DataSource
Select a datasource from the list.
Allowed Values: Select a datasource from the list.
➤ Data Source Alias
Allowed Values: Free text field
➤ Default Where Clause
Allowed Values: Free text field
➤ Max Rows
Allowed Values: Any number value
➤ Order By Clause
e.g. #firstAttr#, #secondAttr# DESC
Allowed Values: Free text field
➤ Value Attribute
Choose an attribute that needs to be stored in the database.
Allowed Values: Choose an attribute that needs to be stored in the database.
➤ Display Attribute
Choose an attribute that needs to be visible to the user.
Allowed Values: Choose an attribute that needs to be visible to the user.
➤ Select Mapping
Allowed Values: Free text field
➤ Remote Filter
Allowed Values: Yes/No
➤ Cache Results
With remote filter checked, check this if you want the system to cache data fetched for each filter to avoid re-query if the user types the same filter again
Allowed Values: Yes/No
➤ Do Not Prefetch
Check this to programmatically control this Select Query
Allowed Values: Yes/No
➤ Insert Allowed
Allowed Values: Yes/No
➤ Update Allowed
Allowed Values: Yes/No
➤ Required
Check this to make this field mandatory.
Allowed Values: Yes/No
➤ Placeholder
Allowed Values: An expression which should return string after evaluation
➤ Total Lines
Spefify a value greater than 1 to render a TextArea instead.
Allowed Values: Any number value
➤ Allow Decimal
Check this to allow a user to enter decimal values in the field.
Allowed Values: Yes/No
➤ Allow Negative
Check this to allow a user to enter negative values in the field.
Allowed Values: Yes/No
➤ Max Length
Specify the maximum number of characters to be allowed.
Allowed Values: Any number value
➤ Min Value
A minimum value allowed for this field. Leave blank to not put any minimum value restriction.
Allowed Values: Any number value
➤ Max Value
A maximum value allowed for this field. Leave blank to not put any maximum value restriction.
Allowed Values: Any number value
➤ Min Date
Provide the min date below which the date cannot be selected or entered.
Allowed Values: Any number value
➤ Max Date
Provide the max date above which the date cannot be selected or entered.
Allowed Values: Any number value
➤ Time Select
Select this to show time along with the date.
Allowed Values:
➤ Time Format
Select a time format. e.g. HH:mm, hh:mm a, HH:mm:ss
Allowed Values: Free text field
➤ Time Intervals
Provide time intervals. e.g. 15 or 30, between 0 and 24 * 60.
Allowed Values: Any number value
➤ Min Time
Provide the min time below which the time cannot be selected or entered.
Allowed Values: Free text field
➤ Max Time
Provide the max time above which the time cannot be selected or entered.
Allowed Values: Free text field
➤ Past Dates Only
Check this to allow user to select/enter only today and past dates. Remaining dates will be disabled.
Allowed Values: Yes/No
➤ Future Dates Only
Check this to allow user to select/enter only today and future date. Remaining dates will be disabled.
Allowed Values: Yes/No
➤ Week Days Only
Provide the max date above which the date cannot be selected or entered.
Allowed Values: Yes/No
➤ On Cell Click
Allowed Values: Controller Function
➤ On Change
Allowed Values: Controller Function
➤ On Focus
Looking for a tip? Avoiding the use of onFocus!
Allowed Values: Controller Function
➤ On Blur
Looking for a tip? Avoiding the use of onBlur!
Allowed Values: Controller Function
➤ All Caps
Select this property for capitalizing the text.
Allowed Values: Yes/No
➤ Text Color
Select a color or enter the custom class to change the color of the text.
Allowed Values: Select a color or enter the custom class to change the color of the text.
➤ Font Weight
This property sets how thick or thin characters in text should be displayed.
Allowed Values:
Semi Bold
➤ Hint Text
Check this property to fade the font color of the text.
Allowed Values: Yes/No
➤ Italic
Check this property to change the font style of the text to italic.
Allowed Values: Yes/No
➤ Muted
Check this property to change the color of the font to light grey.
Allowed Values: Yes/No
➤ No Decoration
Check this property to remove decoration of the text
Allowed Values: Yes/No
➤ Overflow Ellipsis
Check this property to show hidden overflow content as an ellipsis ('…').
Allowed Values: Yes/No
➤ Text Size
Select an option to change the size of the text.
Allowed Values:
Last updated
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