Trigger Before Select Query


Trigger Before Select Query

This trigger is fired just before this Select Query is fired. Use "Set Query Filter Value" to set any dynamic filter criteria based on condition.

Use "Abort" or "Show Message" with "Error" & "Abort" properties checked to abort the query from being executed.

Allowed Parent Components:

  1. Select

  2. Select Column

Allowed Child Components:

  1. Abort

  2. Abort If DataStore Is Empty

  3. Action Copy

  4. Action Download Attachment

  5. Action Group

  6. Action Search

  7. Add Breadcrumb Item

  8. Add Connection

  9. Add Smart Search Filters

  10. Change Language

  11. Choose Attachment

  12. Clear All Filters

  13. Clear All Query Params

  14. Clear All StoreRecord Messages

  15. Clear DataSource

  16. Clear Grid Sort

  17. Clear Query Param

  18. Clear Smart Search Filters

  19. Clear StoreRecord Message

  20. Confirm Message

  21. Copy StoreRecord

  22. Delete Current Record

  23. Delete Selected Records

  24. Deselect All Records

  25. Duplicate Item

  26. Duplicate StoreRecord

  27. Eval And Execute Expression

  28. Export Data

  29. Export To Google Sheet

  30. Geo Location

  31. Go Back

  32. Go To First Field

  33. Go To First Record

  34. Go To Item

  35. Go To Last Record

  36. Go To Next Record

  37. Go To Page

  38. Go To Previous Record

  39. Hide Item

  40. Hide Popup

  41. Import Data

  42. Insert Record

  43. Invoke DataSource

  44. Invoke Trigger

  45. Loop

  46. Loop Records

  47. Multi Sheet Export

  48. Open URL

  49. Print Props To Console

  50. Print To Console

  51. Query DataSource

  52. Reduce

  53. Refresh DataSource

  54. Refresh Navigation Menu

  55. Register State

  56. Remove Connection

  57. Reset DataStore

  58. Reset StoreRecord

  59. Save DataSource

  60. Save Transaction

  61. Save Video Recording

  62. Select All Records

  63. Server Validate

  64. Set As Current StoreRecord

  65. Set Message On StoreRecord

  66. Set Query Filter Value

  67. Show Item

  68. Show Message

  69. Show Popup

  70. Silent Sign Out

  71. Start Video Recording

  72. Stop Video Recording

  73. Switch

  74. Update Item Number Property

  75. Update Item String Property

  76. Update StoreRecord

  77. Wait

  78. Wait For LOV


➤ Enable Condition

Specify an expression that should be evaluated to a boolean [e.g. #{dsAlias.attr1} == 'X' && #{dsAlias.attr2} > 1]. If no expression is specified, it will be considered as true.

Allowed Values: An expression which should return boolean after evaluation

Last updated