Understanding the standard properties of components
The properties under the Standard section are same for all the components added
Item ID
Unique identification code assigned to each component.
The value is auto-generated and you can edit it, if required. The value cannot be duplicated.
This value is used while referring to any component.
User Display Name
Name of the component displayed in the Tree tab. You can assign a user-friendly name for the component for a better understanding.
The name is not used for component reference.
Additional remarks about the component can be added here.
Select the checkbox to view the component, irrespective of the screen size.
You can clear the option to hide the component completely.
By default, it is selected for all the components.
Hide in Small Screen
Select the checkbox to view component in small screen, i.e., when the width of the screen is lesser than 768 pixels.
By default, it is not selected for any added component.
Hide in Medium Screen
Select the checkbox to view component in medium size screen, i.e., when the width of the screen is >= 768 pixels && <= 992 pixels.
Hide in Large Screen
Select the checkbox to view component in large size screen, i.e., when the width of the screen is >= 992 && < 1200.
Hide in Extra Large Screen
Select the checkbox to view component when the width of the screen is >= 1200.
Visible Condition
Enter the expression defining the condition to hide the component explicitly.
Example: #{screen.isLargeUp}
Last updated
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