Card Body


Card Body

Allowed Parent Components:

  1. Card Wrapper

Allowed Child Components:

  1. Action Button

  2. Aggregate Card

  3. Badge

  4. Barcode Scanner

  5. Bing Map

  6. Bing Map Navigator

  7. Button

  8. Button Dropdown

  9. Button Group

  10. Calendar

  11. Calendar Heatmap

  12. Card Table

  13. Change Role

  14. Chart

  15. Collaboration

  16. Combination Chart

  17. DIV

  18. Data Model Designer

  19. DataList

  20. Date

  21. EmbedPage

  22. Form

  23. Form Search

  24. Fusion Chart

  25. Gantt Chart

  26. Gauges

  27. Google Map

  28. Google Navigator

  29. Grid

  30. Grid Layout

  31. H1

  32. H2

  33. H3

  34. H4

  35. H5

  36. HTML

  37. Heat Map Chart

  38. Horizontal Layout

  39. IFrame

  40. IOT Canvas

  41. IOT Device Drag Source

  42. Icon Menu

  43. Image

  44. Image Cropper

  45. Kanban Board

  46. Monaco Editor

  47. Multi Level Pie Chart

  48. Multi Series Chart

  49. Node Graph

  50. Number

  51. OCR Component

  52. Organization Chart

  53. Page Fragment

  54. Pagination

  55. Paragraph

  56. PivotGrid

  57. Popover

  58. Pulse

  59. Rich Text Editor

  60. Row

  61. Simple Alert

  62. Slider

  63. Smart Search

  64. Switch

  65. Tab Panel

  66. Table

  67. Timeline

  68. Trigger Before Render

  69. UIView

  70. Vertical Layout Panel

  71. Video Recorder

  72. Workflow Viewer

  73. XY Chart

  74. ZoomLine Chart


➤ Functional Component

Allowed Values: Controller Function

➤ No Scrollbar

Allowed Values: Yes/No

➤ Margin

Select a value to add margin on all four sides of the component. It is a shorthand for margin-top, margin-right, margin-bottom, and margin-left.

Allowed Values: Any number value

➤ Margin Bottom

Select a value to add margin on the bottom of the component.

Allowed Values: Any number value

➤ Margin Left

Select a value to add margin on the left of the component.

Allowed Values: Any number value

➤ Margin Right

Select a value to add margin on the right of the component.

Allowed Values: Any number value

➤ Margin Top

Select a value to add margin on the top of the component.

Allowed Values: Any number value

➤ Padding

Select a value to add padding on all four sides of the component. It is a shorthand for padding-top, padding-right, padding-bottom, and padding-left.

Allowed Values: Any number value

➤ Padding Bottom

Select a value to add padding in the bottom of the component.

Allowed Values: Any number value

➤ Padding Left

Select a value to add padding in the left of the component.

Allowed Values: Any number value

➤ Padding Right

Select a value to add padding in right of the component.

Allowed Values: Any number value

➤ Padding Top

Select a value to add padding in top of the component.

Allowed Values: Any number value

Last updated