Installing the CloudIO platform


Obtain the license key from the CloudIO support team through the customer portal before installing the platform.

The following details must be sent to the CloudIO support team to obtain the license key:

  • License start date

  • Serial number of the machine

Installing the platform

Launch the installer

  1. Launch the installer and click Continue. The Setup Application URL page is displayed.

Validate License

2. Upload the Activation/License file obtained from CloudIO support team.

Setup Application URL

3. Enter the following details in the Setup Application URL page:

  • Subdomain is the name using which you can access the application. E.g. : apps is the subdomain for

  • Email which will serve as your login id and to which the access details will be sent.

  • New Admin Password and Confirm Password

All fields in the Setup Application URL page are mandatory.

Setup Platform Schema

4. Click Continue. The Setup Platform Schema page is displayed.

5. Enter the following details of the Setup Platform Schema page:

a. For Oracle database

  • From the Database Type list, select Oracle.

  • Enter DB Host Name.

    • E.g.:

  • Enter DB Port.

    • E.g.: 1521

  • Enter SID/Service name.

    • E.g.: rapapp

  • Enter Username. Use the username created during the platform schema creation.

    • E.g.: User Name: xxrademo

  • Enter Password. Use the password created during the platform schema creation.

    • E.g.: Password: xxra

  • Click Continue. The Setup Application Schema page is displayed.

b. For MySQL database

  • From the Database Type list, select MySQL.

  • Enter DB Host Name.

    • E.g.:

  • Enter DB Port.

    • E.g.: 3306

  • Enter Database name.

    • E.g.: xxcloudio

  • Enter Username.

    • E.g.: User Name: xxcloudio\qa

  • Enter Password.

    • E.g.: Password: xxcloudio\qa@123

  • Click Continue. The Setup Application Schema page is displayed.

Setup Application Schema

6. Enter the following details of the Setup Application Schema page.

a. For Oracle database

  • From the Database Type list, select Oracle EBS Using DBC File.

  • Enter the required DBC File Path. You may have to generate a new DBC file for this host. Place the DBC file under $TOMCAT\_HOME directory and enter its path.

  • Enter Username. The ASADMIN user must be enabled.

  • If the objects are already created, select the option - Check this if CloudIO Objects already exists in Application Schema

  • Click Continue. The Setup SMTP details page is displayed.

You can also use APPS or any other Application User with 'Apps Schema Connect Role' (UMX|APPS_SCHEMA_CONNECT) role. If you would want to use APPS directly (instead of custom Oracle Application schema or ASADMIN), you can proceed with the default Database Type by providing the Username and Password.

b. For MySQL database

  • From the Database Type list, select MySQL

  • Enter DB Host Name.

    • E.g.:

  • Enter DB Port.

    • E.g.: 3306

  • Enter Database name.

    • E.g.: xxapps

  • Enter Username.

    • E.g.: User Name: xxcloudio\qa

  • Enter Password.

    • E.g.: Password: xxcloudio\qa@123

  • Click Continue. The Setup SMTP details page is displayed.

Setup SMTP details

  • In the SMTP Host Name, enter the Internet Service Providers (ISP) used to send the emails. E.g.:,

  • In SMTP Port, enter the outgoing mail port. E.g.: 465

  • In From Name, enter the name that must appear in the sent list. E.g.: CloudIO Dev

  • In From Email, enter the email id which must be used to send outgoing emails. E.g.: [](

  • Select SMTP Requires Authentication.

  • To allow a server to accept requests to use SSL over TCP/IP from remote servers that connect anonymously, select Enable the use of the STARTTLS command.

  • If required, select Requires the use of the STARTTLS command.

  • Enter Username and Password of the outgoing email account.

  • Enter Admin Name and Admin Email.

  • Click Continue. The Setup Profile Values page is displayed.

Setup Profile Values

Enter the required details and click Continue. All the fields are optional.

The confirmation page is displayed and contains a path along with the schema details.

Install and Upgrade Tool

Click Install. On completion, a success message is displayed

The CloudIO platform application URL is <subdomain>.<hostname>.

In case of error, an error message is displayed. You must contact the CloudIO Support through the Customer Portal for such issues. The install process populates the CloudIO Platform Metadata objects in xxcloudio schema and deploys the seeded platform UI patch. The log is saved in $TOMCAT_HOME/logs and is displayed as shown below:

After the completion of the installation, login in to the CloudIO platform and navigate to Upgrade Tool under the Administration role. It provides the scripts to be executed if there are any changes within the application.

  1. After successful installation, click Sign in and login using the username admin and the password provided in step 3.

  2. Move $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/ROOT/WEB- INF/classes/ file to $TOMCAT_HOME/lib folder and restart the Tomcat.

By default, the platform assigns the Administrator, Developer and Patch manager roles to the Admin user. You must contact the CloudIO support team for additional requirements.

Last updated