Signature Pad


Signature Pad

Signature Pad componentt used to get user signature.

Allowed Parent Components:

  1. Col

Allowed Child Components:

  1. Pulse

  2. Trigger Before Render

  3. Trigger On Change


➤ Color

This attribute defines the color of the signature.

Allowed Values: This attribute defines the color of the signature.

➤ Signed Date

Choose an attribute which contains the signed date of the signature.

Allowed Values: Choose an attribute which contains the signed date of the signature.

➤ Alt

This attribute defines an alternative text description of the image.

Allowed Values: Free text field

➤ Height

Provide numerical value to set height in pixels.

Allowed Values: Any number value

➤ Width

Provide numerical value to set width in pixels.

Allowed Values: Any number value

➤ Signature Pad Height

Provide numerical value to set width of the signature canvas

Allowed Values: Any number value

➤ Signature Pad Width

Provide numerical value to set width of the signature canvas

Allowed Values: Any number value

➤ Position

Provide position for signature canvas. e.g.'slide-up'

Allowed Values: Free text field

➤ Image Format

Select the image format type.

Allowed Values:

  1. image/png

  2. image/jpeg

  3. image/webp

➤ Show Type Option

Enable this to provide user the options to either draw on the canvas or type

Allowed Values: Yes/No

➤ View Attribute

Allowed Values: Attribute

➤ Title

Choose an attribute which contains the title of the signature.

Allowed Values: Choose an attribute which contains the title of the signature.

➤ Name

Choose an attribute which contains the name of the signature.

Allowed Values: Choose an attribute which contains the name of the signature.

➤ Insert Allowed

Allowed Values: Yes/No

➤ Update Allowed

Allowed Values: Yes/No

➤ Validate On Commit

Check this to perform validations after commit.

Allowed Values: Yes/No

Last updated