Assigning roles to a data source

Datasources are secured by assigning roles with permissions for access and other operations. You can assign a datasource to one or more roles. You can control their level of access by selecting the required permissions during the creation of datasources.

  1. To assign roles to a datasource, open the </>Roles tab. The Roles pane is displayed.

2. To select a role to assign permissions, in the upper right corner of the Roles pane, click Add.

A row is added in the Roles table.

3. Under the Role column, from the list, select a role for which permissions are to be assigned.

3. To assign permissions to the selected role, select the required checkboxes in the respective columns.

The following permissions can be assigned to the roles:



Insert allowed

Indicates permission to insert a new record

Update Allowed

Indicates permission to update an existing record

Audit Allowed

Indicates permission to view the changes made by others from the Audit Page

Note: Audit Page can be accessed from File>Record> Audit menu item

Delete Allowed

Indicates permission to delete an existing record

Query Allowed

Indicates permission to fetch data

4. If you want to assign permissions to another role, repeat steps 1 to 4 or click Save.

The selected permissions are assigned to the role(s).

Last updated