Row Col Column


Allowed Parent Components:

  1. Grid

  2. LOV

  3. Lov Column

  4. Multi Select LOV

  5. Switch Column Case

Allowed Child Components:

  1. Footer

  2. Popover

  3. Pulse

  4. Row

  5. Trigger Before Render


➤ Title

Allowed Values: StringNumberExpression

➤ Header1

Enter a value to group multiple level columns into a single header. This header will be the top level of all the headers in the grid.

Allowed Values: Free text field

➤ Header2

Enter a value to group multiple level columns into a single header. This header will be the second level of all the headers in the grid.

Allowed Values: Free text field

➤ Header3

Enter a value to group multiple level columns into a single header. This header will be the third level of all the headers in the grid.

Allowed Values: Free text field

➤ Attachment Text

Specify a text to change the title of the upload link. By default: Upload Attachment

Allowed Values: Free text field

➤ Accept

Provide type of content user needs to upload. e.g. .doc, .png, .jpeg, .docx, .xml

Allowed Values: Free text field

➤ Folder Id

Specify the folderId where files need to be stored in google drive.

Allowed Values: An expression which should return string after evaluation

➤ Width

Allowed Values: Any number value

➤ Flex

Check this to stretch the column and takeup any extra space available in the grid

Allowed Values: Yes/No

➤ Use Server Timezone

Check this prop if this date should not be converted to browser's timezone. Also make sure the attribute type is set to 'String Date & Time 2' on the server side DataSource definition.

Allowed Values: Yes/No

➤ Timezone Attribute

Select an attribute to set the timezone to the respective field

Allowed Values: Select an attribute to set the timezone to the respective field

➤ View Attribute

Allowed Values: Attribute

➤ Checked Label

Label to be set when checked. e.g., On, Check

Allowed Values: Free text field

➤ Unchecked Label

Label to be set when uncheck. e.g., Off, Uncheck

Allowed Values: Free text field

➤ Alignment

Allowed Values:

  1. Default

  2. Start

  3. Center

  4. End

➤ Resizable

Check this property to allow a user to resize the columns. Columns can be resized by dragging the edge of the column header to the right or left.

Allowed Values: Yes/No

➤ Searchable

Enable this to show the search filters in the column header. This property is useful for quick search.

Allowed Values: Yes/No

➤ Sortable

Check this property to allow the user to sort the column data on the click of the header.

Allowed Values: Yes/No

Check this property to allow the user to navigate the column.

Allowed Values: Yes/No

➤ Fixed Left

Check this property to fix the column to the left of the remaining columns.

Allowed Values: Yes/No

➤ Fixed Right

Check this property to fix the column to the right of the remaining columns.

Allowed Values: Yes/No

➤ Freeze Fixed

Check this property to freeze the column. Checking this will not allow user to scroll the column

Allowed Values: Yes/No

➤ Disable Hide Show

Check this property to hide the 'Hide Column' property at the header cell.

Allowed Values: Yes/No

➤ Format Type

Allowed Values:

  1. Pattern

  2. Custom

➤ Pattern Format

If hash format defined, hash string allow number input inplace of hash. ex: #### #### #### ####

Allowed Values: Free text field

➤ Format

Allowed Values: Free text field

➤ Mask Format

If mask defined, component will show non entered placed with masked value. ex: _

Allowed Values: Free text field

➤ Prefix

Provide a symbol which is placed before the value. e.g. $50.

Allowed Values: Free text field

➤ Decimal Scale

If defined it limits to given decimal scale

Allowed Values: Any number value

➤ Fixed Decimal Scale

If true it add 0s to match given decimalScale

Allowed Values: Yes/No

➤ Thousand Separator

Add thousand separators on number

Allowed Values: Yes/No

➤ Pretty Date

Allowed Values: Yes/No

➤ Checked Value

Value to be set when checked. If no value is specified, Y will be set when checked.

Allowed Values: Free text field

➤ Unchecked Value

Value to be set when unchecked. If no value is specified, N will be set when unchecked.

Allowed Values: Free text field

➤ Hide Check All Menu

Check this to hide the 'Check All' & 'Uncheck All' menu options from the colummn context menu.

Allowed Values: Yes/No

➤ Required

Check this to indicate the field as mandatory

Allowed Values: Yes/No

➤ Select On Focus

Enable this to highlight the text in the field on focus.

Allowed Values: Yes/No

➤ Hide Spinner

Check this to hide spinner in number column.

Allowed Values: Yes/No

➤ Select Option On Tab

Uncheck this to stop select an option on tab keypress

Allowed Values: Yes/No

➤ Number Steps

Provide a numerical value to specify the intervals. Ex. if step="3", the numbers could be -3, 0, 3, 6, etc.

Allowed Values: Any number value

➤ Allow Invalid Value

Check this option to allow user to enter values not returned from the LOV.

Allowed Values: Yes/No

➤ Simple Values

Provide comma seperated values e.g. Blue, Black, Green or value:label pairs e.g. BLUE:Blue, BLACK:Black, G:Green

Allowed Values: An expression which should return string after evaluation

➤ Options Width

Enter a numeric value to change the width of the options in the select box.

Allowed Values: Any number value

➤ Icon

Either choose an icon or use the Icon View Attribute property to set dynamic icon from the server.

Allowed Values: Icon List

➤ Icon View Attribute

Choose an attribute that should return the Font Awesome icon className e.g. 'fal fa-external-link'

Allowed Values: Choose an attribute that should return the Font Awesome icon className e.g. 'fal fa-external-link'

➤ Color Options

Select default if you want to render progress bar in default colors e.g.. red(below danger limit), warning(in between danger and success) and green(above success start). Select custom to change color based on the condition by adding 'Progress Bar Color' as the child.

Allowed Values:

  1. default

  2. custom

  3. multi

➤ Danger Limit

Allowed Values: Any number value

➤ Success Start

Allowed Values: Any number value

➤ Expression

Allowed Values: StringNumberExpression

➤ Disable Condition

Specify a condition to disable the cell.

Allowed Values: Free text field

➤ Transform Value

Change to transform the value to the selected option on change.

Allowed Values:

  1. Uppercase

  2. Lowercase

  3. Default

➤ Rounded

Uncheck to show the slide toggle in rectangle.

Allowed Values: Yes/No

➤ Class Name Expression

Allowed Values: An expression which should return string after evaluation

➤ Circular

Enable this to show rounded picture.

Allowed Values: Yes/No

➤ Profile Picture Disable Condition

Enter an expressin to disable click on the user profile picture in collaboration card.

Allowed Values: An expression which should return string after evaluation

➤ Size

Provide a number to alter size of the picture.

Allowed Values: Any number value

➤ DataSource

Select a datasource from the list.

Allowed Values: Select a datasource from the list.

➤ DataSource

Select a datasource from the list.

Allowed Values: Select a datasource from the list.

➤ Use Pagination

Check this box to add pagination to the LOV.

Allowed Values: Yes/No

➤ Data Source Alias

Allowed Values: Free text field

➤ Default Where Clause

Allowed Values: Free text field

➤ Max Rows

Allowed Values: Any number value

➤ Order By Clause

e.g. #firstAttr#, #secondAttr# DESC

Allowed Values: Free text field

➤ Value Attribute

Choose an attribute that needs to be stored in the database.

Allowed Values: Choose an attribute that needs to be stored in the database.

➤ Display Attribute

Choose an attribute that needs to be visible to the user.

Allowed Values: Choose an attribute that needs to be visible to the user.

➤ Select Mapping

Allowed Values: Free text field

➤ Remote Filter

Allowed Values: Yes/No

➤ Cache Results

With remote filter checked, check this if you want the system to cache data fetched for each filter to avoid re-query if the user types the same filter again

Allowed Values: Yes/No

➤ Do Not Prefetch

Check this to programmatically control this Select Query

Allowed Values: Yes/No

➤ Return Attribute

Choose an attribute from the LOV row that needs to be copied to this Field when a row is selected from the LOV. Also make sure this attribute is listed first on the LOV Popup. The value entered on the LOV field will be populated in the header filter of the LOV Popup column with this view attribute

Allowed Values: Choose an attribute from the LOV row that needs to be copied to this Field when a row is selected from the LOV. Also make sure this attribute is listed first on the LOV Popup. The value entered on the LOV field will be populated in the header filter of the LOV Popup column with this view attribute

➤ Allow Blind Query

Check this to restrict querying without any filters

Allowed Values: Yes/No

➤ Filter Before Display

Uncheck this if all options should be displayed on click of the LOV icon. If checked, the lov results will be filtered based on the value entered/displayed on this LOV Field. Usually it's recommended to check this prop for performance reasons. If the LOV contains less rows, then it's better to uncheck so the user doesn't have to clear the filter to choose a different option from the LOV.

Allowed Values: Yes/No

➤ Multi Selection

Check this property to allow user to select multiple values from the list.

Allowed Values: Yes/No

➤ Height

Provide numerical value to set height of the field.

Allowed Values: Any number value

➤ Width

Provide numerical value to set width of the field.

Allowed Values: Any number value

➤ Copy Fields

Check this property to copy the curent record values on multi select. Note: It won't copy the primary key and who columns.

Allowed Values: Yes/No

➤ Insert Allowed

Allowed Values: Yes/No

➤ Update Allowed

Allowed Values: Yes/No

➤ Tool Tip

A message which appears when a cursor is positioned over.

Allowed Values: An expression which should return string after evaluation

➤ Tool Tip Position

Select an option to change the placement of the tooltip when appears.

Allowed Values:

  1. left

  2. right

  3. top

  4. bottom

➤ Tool Tip On Edit

A message which appears when a cursor is positioned over while editing.

Allowed Values: An expression which should return string after evaluation

➤ Placeholder

Allowed Values: An expression which should return string after evaluation

➤ Total Lines

Spefify a value greater than 1 to render a TextArea instead.

Allowed Values: Any number value

➤ Allow Decimal

Check this to allow a user to enter decimal values in the field.

Allowed Values: Yes/No

➤ Allow Negative

Allow negative numbers (Only when format option is not provided)

Allowed Values: Yes/No

➤ Min Length

Specify the minimum number of characters to be allowed.

Allowed Values: Any number value

➤ Max Length

Specify the maximum number of characters to be allowed.

Allowed Values: Any number value

➤ Min Value

A minimum value allowed for this field. Leave blank to not put any minimum value restriction.

Allowed Values: Any number value

➤ Max Value

A maximum value allowed for this field. Leave blank to not put any maximum value restriction.

Allowed Values: Any number value

➤ Min Date

Provide the min date below which the date cannot be selected or entered.

Allowed Values: Any number value

➤ Max Date

Provide the max date above which the date cannot be selected or entered.

Allowed Values: Any number value

➤ Time Select

Select this to show time along with the date.

Allowed Values:

  1. None

  2. Inline

  3. Popup

➤ Time Format

Select a time format. e.g. HH:mm, hh:mm a, HH:mm:ss

Allowed Values: Free text field

➤ Time Intervals

Provide time intervals. e.g. 15 or 30, between 0 and 24 * 60.

Allowed Values: Any number value

➤ Min Time

Provide the min time below which the time cannot be selected or entered.

Allowed Values: Free text field

➤ Max Time

Provide the max time above which the time cannot be selected or entered.

Allowed Values: Free text field

➤ Past Dates Only

Check this to allow user to select/enter only today and past dates. Remaining dates will be disabled.

Allowed Values: Yes/No

➤ Future Dates Only

Check this to allow user to select/enter only today and future date. Remaining dates will be disabled.

Allowed Values: Yes/No

➤ Week Days Only

Provide the max date above which the date cannot be selected or entered.

Allowed Values: Yes/No

➤ Color

Allowed Values: Color

➤ Background Color

Allowed Values: Color

➤ Header Color

Choose a color to change the header text color.

Allowed Values: Choose a color to change the header text color.

➤ Header Background Color

Choose a color to change the header background color.

Allowed Values: Choose a color to change the header background color.

➤ All Caps

Select this property for capitalizing the text.

Allowed Values: Yes/No

➤ Font Weight

This property sets how thick or thin characters in text should be displayed.

Allowed Values:

  1. Light

  2. Normal

  3. Semi Bold

  4. Bold

  5. Default

➤ Hint Text

Check this property to fade the font color of the text.

Allowed Values: Yes/No

➤ Italic

Check this property to change the font style of the text to italic.

Allowed Values: Yes/No

➤ Muted

Check this property to change the color of the font to light grey.

Allowed Values: Yes/No

➤ No Decoration

Check this property to remove decoration of the text

Allowed Values: Yes/No

➤ Overflow Ellipsis

Check this property to show hidden overflow content as an ellipsis ('…').

Allowed Values: Yes/No

➤ Text Size

Select an option to change the size of the text.

Allowed Values:

  1. Small

  2. Normal

  3. Large

  4. Default

➤ Custom Renderer Function

Allowed Values: Controller Function

➤ Is Editable

Allowed Values: Controller Function

➤ On Cell Click

Allowed Values: Controller Function

➤ On Cell Double Click

Allowed Values: Controller Function

➤ On Change

Allowed Values: Controller Function

➤ On Focus

Looking for a tip? Avoiding the use of onFocus!

Allowed Values: Controller Function

➤ On Blur

Looking for a tip? Avoiding the use of onBlur!

Allowed Values: Controller Function

➤ Filter Date

Allowed Values: Controller Function

➤ Is Leaf

Choose an attribute whose value would indicate if the record is a leaf node or not. If the value of this attribute is 'Y' then the record will be treated as a leaf node, any other value will make the record as expandable

Allowed Values: Choose an attribute whose value would indicate if the record is a leaf node or not. If the value of this attribute is 'Y' then the record will be treated as a leaf node, any other value will make the record as expandable

➤ Expand All

Check this if you want all the visible records to be auto expanded

Allowed Values: Yes/No

➤ Parent Node Id

You must choose both the Parent Node Id & Node Id attributes to enable drag and drop. When a record is dropped under another record the Node Id value from the parent record will be copied onto the Parent Node Id of the child record. Note: The DataSource must be update allowed for the drag & drop to be enabled.

Allowed Values: You must choose both the Parent Node Id & Node Id attributes to enable drag and drop. When a record is dropped under another record the Node Id value from the parent record will be copied onto the Parent Node Id of the child record. Note: The DataSource must be update allowed for the drag & drop to be enabled.

➤ Node Id

You must choose both the Parent Node Id & Node Id attributes to enable drag and drop. When a record is dropped under another record the Node Id value from the parent record will be copied onto the Parent Node Id of the child record. Note: The DataSource must be update allowed for the drag & drop to be enabled.

Allowed Values: You must choose both the Parent Node Id & Node Id attributes to enable drag and drop. When a record is dropped under another record the Node Id value from the parent record will be copied onto the Parent Node Id of the child record. Note: The DataSource must be update allowed for the drag & drop to be enabled.

➤ Drag Context

Specify this property to control drag and drop between tree grids

Allowed Values: Free text field

➤ Drop Context

Specify this property to control drag and drop between tree grids

Allowed Values: Free text field

➤ Disable Self Dnd

Check this if you want to disable drag and drop within same grid.

Allowed Values: Yes/No

Last updated

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