Aggregate Card
Aggregate Card
Aggregate Card is used to show the Aggregates of data.E.g:SUM,COUNT,etc..
Allowed Parent Components:
Card Body
Drag Source Wrapper
Drop Target Wrapper
Horizontal Section
Scroll Layout
Vertical Section
Allowed Child Components:
Card Wrapper
Trigger Before Render
➤ Render As Row
Check this to get the cards in row.
Allowed Values: Yes/No
➤ Hide No Data Placeholder
Check this to hide the data displayed when no data found.
Allowed Values: Yes/No
➤ No Data Icon
Select an icon to display when no data found.
Allowed Values: Icon List
➤ No Data Text1
Provide a text to display as title when no data found.
Allowed Values: Free text field
➤ No Data Text2
Provide a text to display as sub title when no data found.
Allowed Values: Free text field
➤ Icon
Select an icon for button when no data found.
Allowed Values: Icon List
➤ Text
Provide a text for button when no data found.
Allowed Values: Free text field
➤ onClick
Select or enter the action need to be performed on button click.
Allowed Values: Controller Function
➤ Color
Select a color or enter the custom class to change the color of the button.
Allowed Values: Select a color or enter the custom class to change the color of the button.
➤ Use Existing Data Source
Choose this prop if you want to reuse a Data Source that was defined on some other component on this page or any of the parent abstract pages.
Allowed Values: Yes/No
➤ Data Source
Select a datasource from the list.
Allowed Values: Select a datasource from the list.
➤ Data Source Alias
Allowed Values: Free text field
➤ Default Where Clause
Allowed Values: Free text field
➤ Max Rows
Allowed Values: Any number value
➤ Order By Clause
e.g. #firstAttr#, #secondAttr# DESC
Allowed Values: Free text field
➤ Auto Query
Check this property to query the selected datasource on component render.
Allowed Values: Yes/No
➤ Execute Count SQL
Check this to execute count SQL to get the total number of rows in the database on a query. You can get this value by using the expression: #{DataStore.totalLength}
Allowed Values: Yes/No
➤ Execute Distinct SQL
Check this to execute distinct SQL to get the total number of distinct rows in the database on a query.
Allowed Values: Yes/No
➤ Key Attribute
Select a attribute to perform groupByClause in data.
Allowed Values: Select a attribute to perform groupByClause in data.
➤ Value Attribute
It is a column through which you can get the data from DataSource.
Allowed Values: It is a column through which you can get the data from DataSource.
➤ Function
Select a function to do arithmetic operations on data.
Allowed Values:
Last updated
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