Data Store


Data Store

A Note About Store: A Store is a client-side component that houses all the data presented in the UI from a server-side dataSource. All the data fetching & manipulation happens through Stores.

The Data Store component creates an instance of the Store for the given dataSource. You can also create the Store instance implicitly by providing the dataSource name & alias props at the respective component level e.g. Grid, Form etc.

As a best practice, always define all your editable stores using this component. These components are only allowed under the Page component to provide a better structure for your application. To enforce this best practice, you can only define store related triggers under the Data Store component.

Allowed Parent Components:

  1. Page

Allowed Child Components:

  1. Trigger After Delete Record

  2. Trigger After Insert StoreRecord

  3. Trigger After Query

  4. Trigger After Save

  5. Trigger After Update StoreRecord

  6. Trigger Before Create

  7. Trigger Before Delete StoreRecord

  8. Trigger Before Insert StoreRecord

  9. Trigger Before Query

  10. Trigger Before Record Change

  11. Trigger Before Save

  12. Trigger Before Update StoreRecord

  13. Trigger On Any Attribute Change

  14. Trigger On Attribute Change

  15. Trigger On DataStore State Change

  16. Trigger On Record Active

  17. Trigger On Row Selection Change


➤ Use Existing Data Source

Choose this prop if you want to reuse a Data Source that was defined on some other component on this page or any of the parent abstract pages.

Allowed Values: Yes/No

➤ Data Source

Select a datasource from the list.

Allowed Values: Select a datasource from the list.

➤ Data Source Alias

Allowed Values: Free text field

➤ Default Where Clause

Allowed Values: Free text field

➤ Max Rows

Allowed Values: Any number value

➤ Order By Clause

e.g. #firstAttr#, #secondAttr# DESC

Allowed Values: Free text field

➤ Auto Query

Check this property to query the selected datasource on component render.

Allowed Values: Yes/No

➤ Execute Count SQL

Check this to execute count SQL to get the total number of rows in the database on a query. You can get this value by using the expression: #{DataStore.totalLength}

Allowed Values: Yes/No

➤ Execute Distinct SQL

Check this to execute distinct SQL to get the total number of distinct rows in the database on a query.

Allowed Values: Yes/No

➤ Insert Allowed

Allowed Values: Yes/No

➤ Update Allowed

Allowed Values: Yes/No

➤ Delete Allowed

Check to enable deleting the existing row.

Allowed Values: Yes/No

➤ Mask Page On Post

Check to enable page masking on save.

Allowed Values: Yes/No

➤ Do Not Monitor Query Request

Check to disable monitoring query request.

Allowed Values: Yes/No

➤ Silent Server Validate

Check to enable silent server validate.

Allowed Values: Yes/No

➤ Silent Fetch

Check to enable silent fetching.

Allowed Values: Yes/No

➤ Make New Records Dirty

Check this property to make new record dirty. If this property is checked the status of the new record will be 'Insert' else it will be 'New'

Allowed Values: Yes/No

➤ Cache Results

With remote filter checked, check this if you want the system to cache data fetched for each filter to avoid re-query if the user types the same filter again

Allowed Values: Yes/No

➤ Auto Refresh Interval

Specify this property in seconds to refresh the component to specified interval.

Allowed Values: Any number value

➤ Server Validate On Create

Check this to perform any defaulting on the server side whenever a new record is created. For PL/SQL DataSource VALIDATEROW procedure will be called with '_INIT' as the value for the parameter P_CHANGED_ATTRIBUTE

Allowed Values: Yes/No

Last updated

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