Defining server side validations

DML operations can be performed on a datasource that is based on a database table. The platform automatically generates appropriate insert, update and delete statements based on the metadata of the datasource and the operations performed by the user through the UI.

Server-side validations are actions that are performed to validate the data prior to posting it to the database or after fetching it from the database. The server-side validation script, written in the Java programming language, is executed in the sequence you defined.

For example, if there are fields named start date and end date in the user interface, the user must not be allowed to enter a start date that is greater than the end date. Such validations are performed using server-side validation scripts.

  1. To define a server-side validation, open the Server Side Validations tab.

3. Enter and select the required parameters.




A sequence number that is used to execute the validation scripts in a defined order


A name for the validation script

For example, Active Dates Validation


Indicates that the validation script is active and will be fired based on the defined conditions

Before Insert

Indicates that the script is fired before inserting the row into the database. This is fired for each row and the row is available as a variable named ‘data’.

You can use the get and set methods on the data to access the attribute values. For example, you can use data.get("startDate"); and data.set("startDate", new Date()); to fetch and update the date.

General use cases:

a. Validating user submitted information before inserting into the database

b. Manipulating the data before inserting

After Insert

Indicates that the validation script is fired after inserting the row into the database. The changes made to the data will not reflect in the database.

General use cases:

a. Send notification and/or email

b. Invoke/update another dataSource

Before Update

Indicates that the validation script is fired before updating the row

After Update

Indicates that the validation script is fired after updating the row

Before Delete

Indicates that the validation script is fired before deleting the row

After Delete

Indicates that the validation script is fired after deleting the row

Before Validate

Indicates that the validation script is fired before validating the row.

Note: Validate operation is fired only when the UI field has the ‘Server Validate On Change’ property enabled.

After Validate

Indicates that the validation script is fired after validating the row

Before Import

Indicates that the validation script is fired before importing the row from an MS Excel sheet

4. Enter your script in the script editor and click Save.

Last updated