
Hardware (Minimum Requirements)

  • Quad Core - 64 Bit Linux Server/VM with Oracle Linux, RedHat or CentOS

  • 16GB RAM

  • 100 GB disk space


  • Linux user credentials (e.g. username: tomcat)

  • Java 1.8+ (This is a licensed version)

  • J2EE Containers like Tomcat, WebLogic and so on with JDK 1.8 support

  • ImageMagick Note: Refer for more information

  • Google Chrome 85.0.4183.121


  • A metadata schema to operate either on MYSQL/Oracle Note: Please refer to Configuring the database for information on the schema configurations.

Email Setup

  • SMTP Details like SMTP Host Name, User Name, Password, Port, and so on.

You can use any SMTP servers like Gmail, Hotmail, or Yahoo to send out the emails from the platform.

Last updated